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1. "Let's grab a drink at the bar and discuss our business plans."(我们去酒吧喝一杯,讨论我们的商业计划。)

2. "Shall we meet up at the bar to discuss the details?"(我们在酒吧见面,讨论细节怎样?)

3. "I suggest we meet at the bar for a more relaxed and casual atmosphere."(我建议我们在酒吧见面,有更轻松和休闲的氛围。)

4. "Would you be available to meet at the bar next week for a business discussion?"(下周你有时间在酒吧见面讨论业务吗?)

5. "Let's arrange a meeting at the bar to go over the contract."(我们安排个在酒吧的会议,审查合同内容。)

6. "Can we have a drink at the bar while discussing the budget proposal?"(我们可以一边在酒吧喝东西一边讨论预算提案吗?)

7. "I think it would be a good idea to meet at the bar to network with other professionals in our industry."(我认为在酒吧见面,与我们行业的其他专业人士建立联系是个不错的主意。)

8. "How about we meet at the bar and have a brainstorming session about our marketing strategy?"(我们在酒吧见面,进行一次关于我们的营销策略的头脑风暴怎么样?)

9. "Let's have a drink at the bar and discuss potential business opportunities."(我们去酒吧喝一杯,讨论潜在的商业机会。)

10. "I suggest we meet at the bar to finalize the details of our partnership agreement."(我建议我们在酒吧见面,最终确定我们的合作协议的细节。)


