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How Lantern Festival Came About

Lantern Festival, also known as Yuanxiao Festival, is one of the most important traditional Chinese festivals. It falls on the 15th day of the first lunar month, marking the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations. Many people are curious about how this festival came about. Let me explain.

Legend has it that long, long ago, there was a monster named Nian who lived in the mountains. Every year, on the night of the first full moon, Nian would come down to the villages and terrorize the people, especially children. People were terrified of this monster and didn't know what to do.

One year, an old man visited the village. He told the villagers that he knew a way to scare away the monster. The old man gave the villagers some advice. He said that Nian was afraid of three things: loud noises, bright lights, and the color red. He suggested that the villagers make loud noises using drums, firecrackers, and gongs, hang red lanterns outside their houses, and wear red clothes. The villagers followed his instructions.

On the night of the first full moon, when Nian came down to the villages, he was startled by the loud noises and dazzled by the bright red lanterns. He never expected the villagers to be so brave and creative. Feeling overwhelmed, Nian fled back to the mountains and was never seen again.

Since then, people have continued the tradition of celebrating Lantern Festival every year to commemorate the victory over Nian. They hang up beautiful lanterns, set off fireworks, and solve riddles written on lanterns. They also eat yuanxiao, a sweet dumpling made of glutinous rice flour, and have fun with their families and friends.

In conclusion, Lantern Festival originated from the bravery and intelligence of the villagers in driving away the monster Nian. It has become a joyful and festive celebration that brings people together. This festival not only represents the triumph of good over evil but also symbolizes the hope for a better future.




