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 以下是一篇四年级英语作文的示例,主题是“My School”:

My School

I go to a school named Sunshine Primary School. It is located in the center of our city. My school has four buildings. The main building has four floors. There are many classrooms, a library, and a playground in our school.

My favorite class is English class because my teacher, Ms. Wang, is very nice and funny. She makes learning English fun. In English class, we learn new words and sentences. We also watch English cartoons and play games.

After school, I often go to the playground with my friends. We play soccer, basketball, and jump rope. Sometimes, we have a picnic with our parents. We enjoy our time together.

I love my school and my teachers. They teach me a lot and help me grow smarter and stronger. I am grateful for my school life and hope to have a wonderful future here.

这篇作文介绍了学校的位置、建筑、课程和课外活动。请注意,这篇作文的字数略超过了 200 字,但你可以根据需要进行修改。在撰写四年级英语作文时,请注意以下几点:

1. 使用简单的词汇和短语,以确保读者能够理解。  

2. 遵循基本的作文结构,包括开头、正文和结尾。  

3. 描述具体事物,例如学校的位置、建筑物、老师和课程。  

4. 表达自己的感受和观点,例如对课程的喜好和在学校的生活。  

5. 保持作文简洁明了,避免过多的细节。



