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Dear Diary,

Today was a busy day for me. In the morning, I had my English class. We learned about different types of verb tenses. It was quite challenging, but with practice, I think I will improve.

After class, I went to the library to study. I had a project due next week, so I needed to do some research. I found some useful books and spent a few hours reading and taking notes. It felt good to make progress on my assignment.

In the afternoon, I met up with my friends to go shopping. We visited a few clothing stores and tried on different outfits. It was fun to see everyone's different styles and give each other feedback. I ended up buying a new pair of jeans that I really liked.

In the evening, I had a piano lesson. I've been practicing a new piece for the past few weeks and my teacher wanted to see my progress. I was a bit nervous, but overall, she was pleased with how I played. I still have some work to do, but I feel confident that I will be able to master it soon.

Before going to bed, I spent some time reviewing my English notes and completing some exercises. I want to make sure I understand everything before the next class. It was a long day, but also a productive one.

That's all for today! Until tomorrow, diary.


[Your Name]


