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A: Hey, have you been following any sports lately?

B: Yeah, I've been really into watching the World Cup. Did you catch any of the matches?

A: Oh yeah, definitely! I watched a few games and it was so intense. Who are you rooting for?

B: I'm supporting the Brazil team. They always have such skilled players and a strong team spirit.

A: That's cool. I'm more inclined towards the Germany team. They've been doing really well in recent years.

B: Yes, Germany is definitely a tough competitor. It'll be interesting to see how they perform this time.

A: Absolutely. So, apart from football, do you play any sports yourself?

B: I used to play tennis, but I haven't had much time for it lately. What about you?

A: I love playing basketball. I try to shoot some hoops whenever I get the chance. It's a great way to stay active.

B: That's awesome. Maybe we can hit the court together sometime.

A: Definitely, that would be fun. We could even invite some friends and make it a friendly game.

B: Sounds like a plan! Let's set a date soon.

A: Sure, let's do it.


