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A: Hey, I heard you just came back from studying abroad! How was it?

B: It was an amazing experience! I got to immerse myself in a whole new culture and learn about different customs and traditions.

A: That sounds fascinating! Can you give me some examples of the habits and customs you observed?

B: Sure! One of the interesting habits I noticed was the emphasis on punctuality. People there are very time-conscious and it's considered disrespectful to be late for meetings or appointments.

A: That's quite different from here, where people are often more relaxed about punctuality. Did you have any difficulties adjusting to that?

B: Definitely, it took some time for me to get used to it. I had to make sure to plan my schedule more carefully so that I wouldn't be late. However, I eventually appreciated how much smoother things ran when everyone was on time.

A: That makes sense. What about mealtime etiquette? Were there any unique customs that you encountered?

B: Yes, there were a few. One interesting custom was using chopsticks instead of forks and knives. It took some practice to get the hang of it, but it was a fun challenge. I also noticed that sharing dishes is very common, and it's polite to always leave a little bit of food on your plate to indicate that you've had enough.

A: Wow, that's quite different from our Western dining etiquette. It must have been a unique experience to try out those customs.

B: It definitely was! It was amazing how something as simple as eating a meal could be so different in another country. It really opened my eyes to the diversity of cultures around the world.

A: I can imagine. I'm glad you had such a fulfilling experience. Do you think you'll incorporate any of these habits or customs into your own life now that you're back?

B: Absolutely! I think there are definitely aspects of their customs and habits that I found beneficial. For example, I want to continue prioritizing punctuality and being conscious of the time. It's a small change, but I think it will make a big difference in my daily life.

A: That's great to hear! I'm sure these experiences will have a lasting impact on you.


