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(1) Scientists have discovered thousands of exoplanets, or planets outside our solar system.

(2) Some of these exoplanets are believed to have the potential to support life.

(3) For example, a few exoplanets have been found within the habitable zone, where conditions may be suitable for liquid water to exist.

(4) In addition, the discovery of exoplanets with atmospheres similar to Earth's further suggests that life could exist on these planets.

(5) However, it is important to note that the conditions required for life as we know it are very specific.

Question: Where would the following sentence best fit?

"Astronomers use various techniques to detect exoplanets."

A) After sentence 1

B) After sentence 2

C) After sentence 3

D) After sentence 4

在这个例子中,我们需要选择一个最合适的位置插入句子"Astronomers use various techniques to detect exoplanets."



A) After sentence 1: "Scientists have discovered thousands of exoplanets, or planets outside our solar system." 这个选项中句子插入在第一句话后面,这样可以引出科学家是如何发现这些行星的。这个选项是一个不错的选择。

B) After sentence 2: "Some of these exoplanets are believed to have the potential to support life." 这个选项中句子插入在第二句话后面,这样可以直接说明科学家是如何发现这些行星的。这个选项也是一个合理的选择。

C) After sentence 3: "For example, a few exoplanets have been found within the habitable zone, where conditions may be suitable for liquid water to exist." 这个选项中句子插入在第三句话后面,这样会打破前文讲述的逻辑顺序,因为后文需要继续讨论科学家是如何发现这些行星的。

D) After sentence 4: "In addition, the discovery of exoplanets with atmospheres similar to Earth's further suggests that life could exist on these planets." 这个选项中句子插入在第四句话后面,这样会打破前文讲述的逻辑顺序,因为后文需要继续讨论科学家是如何发现这些行星的。

综上所述, 选项A和选项B都是不错的选择,但在这个例子中,插入句子"Astronomers use various techniques to detect exoplanets." 在句子2之后更符合段落的逻辑顺序。所以答案是B) After sentence 2.


